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Introducing the Oma-Buddha-Kabbalah-bracelet = a combination of elements of cultural & spirituality. Each part of the equation is a Key ingredient to the outcome rewards. A refined renewed format of energetic protection. These bracelets are knitted thru Oma teachings, once they are done they are marinated with a Jade Buddha for many days and nights, & the core of this is the Red Wool.... In Kabbalah teachings of the red string, wool is always white spiritual energy no matter what colour it is dyed. Red attracts the negative energy others direct at us; no matter from where it came from.... It is drawn in by the red & then purified by the white Wool. Turning negative mojo into positive energy for your own flow. This is what I call turning that frown upside down.
I created this a number of years ago as a form of spiritual technology that can help redirect neg. attentions that my clients were experiencing and there seems always to be such great feedback with it each time I make a batch.

Oma Buddha Kabbalah Bracelets

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